
Cognitive Contractors

Please complete the contractors in-processing steps shown below. Please contact Contracts by email: Contracts@cog-ps.com


Step 1


Complete, sign and return the following items to Contracts@cog-ps.com:

a. Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) {Skip this step if previously submitted}
b. Independent Contractor Agreement (ICA or 1099) {Skip this step if previously submitted}
c. ICA Addendum {Skip this step if previously submitted}
d. W9
e. Direct Deposit Form (be sure to include a Voided check)
f. Letter of Understanding
g. ISO Acknowledgment

Step 2


Review and retain for your records the following:
a. Cognitive Timesheet
b. Memo-Timesheet Descriptions
c. Payday and Invoicing Information
d. QMS Manual
e. ISMS Manual


Step 3 If at any time you have questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to Tom Do, by email: tom.do@cog-ps.com